We are a team of dedicated individuals working to provide basic human needs to women, children and families in under-developed communities, particularly those affected by the suffering effects of human trafficking. We provide or support programs that deliver food, clean water, health care ...
As Christians we have come together to follow Christ's teaching of helping the most vulnerable children around the world. Abused Children's Fund provides basic human needs to children, women, families and communities, particularly, but not limited to, those affected by suffering ...
Golden Rule
"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets"
Matthew 7:12
Abused Children's Fund is dedicated to alleviate the pain and suffering of physically and sexually abused children around the world.
Child abuse is most commonly understood as the physical or emotional mistreatment of a child.
Donate by Mail, Monthly Giving, Special Occasion Gifts, Memorial Gifts or Donate to Abused Children's Fund through Facebook.
Abused Children’s Fund in a Family with one mission and goal, to help children around the world who are suffering.
Take the opportunity to care for Abused Children around the world by making ACF and the abused children of the world the beneficiary of your ...
There is a heartbreaking personal story ...
... behind every exploited and abused child
that one day, in great desperation and need, your parents decided to sell you or a sibling in order to feed and support the rest of the family.
In the Philippines alone
100,00 children have been sexually abused.
Of them, 60,000 children have been prostituted.
From contemplative essays to practical how-to articles, Dr. Doner draws from the wisdom of the ages and the latest insights of science and